In recent years, anxiety has come to the forefront as one of the major mental health problems in modern society.

Indeed, the statistics back up the reality that more and more people are suffering, especially young people.

For example, the New York Times reported based on solid medical research that teenagers in America are suffering from anxiety at a rate never seen before, and more often than not they are being treated with medications.

College students are also struggling with anxiety at an alarming level. According to reports in recent years, as many as half the consultations at college health clinics are related to student complaints about anxiety.

Incredibly, this problem is attacking all segments of society. The Guardian reported that even adult workers are being sidelined by anxiety to the extent that it is becoming a global crisis.

One of the first reactions people have is to seek therapy, one of the best options for treatment. However, more and more people are seeking medical treatments that involve medications. This may work for many, but for others, side effects are a big concern.

The role of foods against anxiety

While the causes of anxiety are complex and often not understood, one thing that is clear is that science is showing that certain foods have effects on our minds and our bodies that can alleviate symptoms of anxiety.


Medical studies have shown that there is a link between magnesium and calmness, and that a lack of magnesium can result in increased anxiety. Some foods rich in magnesium include nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, and leafy greens.


Fatty Fish

Certain fatty fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to have the effect of limiting anxiety.


Yogurt and other probiotics have been linked with lowering anxiety. Furthermore, some studies have shown that a rich and varied gut microbiota has been associated with reducing depression.


A number of foods that are rich in zinc, such as liver, cashews, egg yolks, and oysters have been linked to reduced anxiety.

B vitamins

Avocados and almonds are two B vitamin-rich foods that are not only delicious, but are soothing in regards to anxiety.


Widely eaten in China for its medicinal properties, one of the effects of asparagus is as a functional food that can lower anxiety.


Harvard University