Yoga is a gentle cardiovascular activity that sharpens the heart and oxygenates the organs. But what will it do to those love handles?

The goal of yoga is not to lose weight, but it is a question that often comes up.

Although it is not necessarily the aim of yoga, in many cases it is a side effect of practicing yoga.

Practicing yoga helps you become thinner, since each asana or posture focuses on a specific part of your body, allowing to tone and work muscles while reducing accumulated fats.

By toning the muscles, you are also helping your body work better by allowing the release of toxins.

Make no mistake, yoga is not a sport

Doing yoga is nothing like riding a bike or going for a run.

During a yoga session, what you’re doing is stretching and toning muscle, and for that you need to be focused and aware of your breathing.

Breathing is very important in yoga, and in fact, if you have gone to a class, you will have noticed that the teacher always places a lot of emphasis on it. This is because when you take a proper breath, you bring oxygen to the cells throughout your body .

How it can help you lose weight

Some types of yoga are gentler, while other more dynamic, though in all of them we increase our heart rate with each asana, which causes the burning of fats stored in our body, In addition, among the benefits of yoga, the most striking is that it helps reduce stress and anxiety.

Many times we eat for reasons besides hunger. With yoga we reduce anxiety and therefore the desire to eat, which also helps us to lose weight. It is also important to note that by entering the world of yoga, most people change their eating habits by making them healthier and therefore reduce calorie intake, all of which helps to lose weight.

There are some specific yoga poses that help to lose weight, such as sun salutations. It is one of the most well-known asana sequences in yoga. It serves both sun A and B, both of which include several postures that tone muscles while increasing heart rate.

In short, practicing yoga not only has psychological benefits, but also helps you stay in shape and lose weight!