While much of the world is deep in lockdown, many people are primarily concerned with not contracting a physical illness, the novel coronavirus, also known as Covid-19.

However, in the meantime, people are finding themselves emotionally and psychologically stranded. Their normal lives are altered and in some cases completely upended.

For those with kids, there is the sudden discovery that homeschooling is impossible for any adult who is working at home to undertake. Meanwhile, school teachers worldwide are suddenly being valued for the immense task they have every day of educating kids.

Many people are telecommuting, working from home, sitting at their kitchen tables trying to get tasks done. However, unlike in their regular jobs, they have to deal with annoyed and annoying spouses, interruptions from screaming, hyperactive kids, and other inevitable distractions that come with working at home.

Social distancing is also having its effects. For those that live with a partner, spouse, or family, gone are the days when one could go down to the bar for happy hour and blow off steam. Now, there is little else to do but find other ways of bearing the same old same old.

Of course, in these times, turning to bad habits such as drinking and drugs might not be a viable option (though perhaps it is not a coincidence that California declared cannabis businesses to be essential services!). There are, on the other hand, a multitude of things that one can do to combat the boredom. Here are just a few suggestions.

  1. Write a diary
    Many great works of art and literature have been created during quarantines and epidemics. Just ask Shakespeare, who wrote some of his famous works during plague outbreaks. A simple diary can help you relieve stress, record your observations (which might be interesting in 10 years), and take some time to meditate on your good fortune.
  2. Get your finances in order
    While many people are unfortunately out of work, if you are lucky enough to be working and getting paid, you can use this time to get your money in order. Indeed, cutting your spending is easier when you can’t go anywhere easily. If you are clever, you’ll soon find you have more money than you did when the world was “normal.” Reduce card payments, cut expenses, invest in the stock market (now is the best time!)… There are many things you can do with the extra time you are sure to have.
  3. Reinvent yourself
    If you have been unlucky and are one of the millions who has lost your job, don’t lose hope. Every great tragedy comes with a rebirth. If you can depend on family or friends at this time, use the time wisely to reinvent yourself, learn new skills, seek new kinds of employment, essentially keep yourself open to what’s out there. These are certainly hard times, but they are not the moment for playing the victim card. Out of the rubble, new structures always rise.
  4. Teach your kids new stuff
    Homeschooling is one thing, and admittedly beyond the scope of most hard-working people. On the other hand, you can teach your kids some new skills. There is no excuse for them staying at home during lockdown and being an extra burden. Now is the best time to teach the kids to sweep the floor, vacuum, mop, wash dishes, tend to the yard or garden, feed and care for pets, fix your car. OK, that last one is a bit exaggerated, but the other ones are certainly not. Now is as good a time as ever to tell the kids that things are different and now everybody has to chip in. Believe us, in the future, they will thank you for it.