The holidays are a mix of cheer and jeer for many.

The pressure of the entire holiday ritual machine can be exhilarating for some, but for others, absolutely crushing.

Money, gifts, food, family, shopping, returning, wrapping, short days, cold, winter. So many factors can make it hard for many to enjoy the holidays.

1. Take a break

In the literal sense of the word. Spend some time sitting and breathing. Notice how you’re breathing and focus your mind simply on breathing. Your mind will calm down and so will your body.

2. Spend some time in nature

Take a break and find a moment to go to some place with trees, a park or a boulevard, or if you are close to the beach to walk around it. When you are there, stand and take your attention to the colors of the trees, the fallen leaves, the green areas, the colors of the sea, … noticing the different nuances.

You can take advantage of these minutes and become aware of how you’re breathing and notice the pace of your breathing. Noticing how the air enters and how the air comes out of your lungs.

3. Look for peace and beauty in the small details

I also invite you to look for small details that are beautiful. Not great things, but small things that you can observe that show signs of peace and love: a light, an ornament on a tree, a Christmas card…

4. Time for you

Spend some time by yourself, five minutes can be enough. I invite you to focus your attention on a candle or an object and keep your mind’s focus on that light or object. And if you do it at the end of the day, take the time to say thank you for the nice things you’ve been able to enjoy throughout the day.


I am sure that with these little tips you will be able to reduce the noise that surrounds us and that it will make you happier during these days.

And if it work for you, share your experience with us.